Mechatronic CNC Spin Forming Module

SolidCNC Turnform module was specially developped for a machine tool producer company whose name is Kılıçoğlu. These works were supported by Tübitak research fund (Turkish science and research foundation)

Courtesy of Kılıçoğlu makina – İstanbul 2014 , toolpaths for a ventilation system part which was formed by spinning

Turnform functions that SolidCNC delivers are as following:

Manuel path definition. The paths that spinning tool can be dragged and edited dynamically on the graphic window. The points can snap to mold profile where tolerances are strict. Manual dragging gives freedom to user and less iteration cycles needed for initial programming , the path can be modified as if shaping a play dough

The operations can be turned into NC code fastly by the machine specific post processor script. If any problems are encountered while spinning , the operation can be edited on SolidCNC software parametrically and re-post output is formed. This iteration is done until a successfull process is achieved. SolidCNC Turnform module is embedded on the control PC of the machine tool , so although it is offline programming software , the operator has very quick access for modifying and improving the spin forming process

• Knowledge base: There are many variables as part geometry , material , start thickness , end thickness , which makes spin forming process hard and experience oriented application The knowledge gained by trial and error cycles can be recorded and by time a growing process knowledge base is formed

Post Prosesör ve Kinematik Simülasyon Fonksiyonlarını incelemek için tıklayın